Aries and the Solar Eclipse

Eclipses generally represent balance, change and transformation. A Solar Eclipse indicates a powerful potential for changes on a visible level. These eclipses only occur during the daytime and during a New Moon phase. This means that you are working with New Moon energy to get rid of anything harmful or that is not for your highest good. The eclipse does not have to be visible for you to work magic. It is a time for important beginnings or endings to occur. The energy of a Solar Eclipse can be compared to a phoenix, with it’s fiery and complete transformation. A Solar Eclipse is often described in metaphysical and occult texts as the Alchemical Wedding where the Sun marries the Moon, and they are in perfect balance. Our ancient Irish ancestors carved images of an eclipse into giant stones over 5,000 years ago, on November 30, 3340 BC to be exact. This is the oldest known recorded solar eclipse in history. The illustrations are found on the Stone Age “Cairn L,” on Carbane West, at Loughcrew, outside Kells, in County Meath.

Solar Eclipse: occurs during a New Moon, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned – the moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth, causing the Sun to be obscured by the Moon. At this point, the only visible sunlight stems from its corona, or the outer aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun.

Correspondences – transformation, rebirth, change, renewal, reflection, shadow work, spirit work, balance of active and passive energies.

When the eclipse occurs on Monday, April 8th, the moon will obscure the sun for at least four minutes. Both the sun and the moon will be in the sign of Aries. Positive traits of Aries are Assertiveness, Determination and Willpower. Negative traits are Anger, Force and War. Given recent events in our world, this is significant. In metaphysical terms, darkness will overpower the light during the eclipse. In some mystical circles, warnings have gone out regarding the forces that will be set in motion during this eclipse, particularly related to conflicts in the Middle East and other places around the world. When the eclipse has ended, keep an eye on the news for troubling developments, both on national and local levels. Various interpersonal and social issues may be negatively impacted as well.

The New Moon, or what some of us call the Dark Moon, is when witches and other magical practitioners do magic to remove harmful influences. Due to Aries connections to the planet Mars, fire and war, this would be a good time to focus on peaceful solutions and protection for the earth and it’s inhabitants. When the eclipse has ended, the Dark-of-the-Moon phase will continue for at least three more days.

Ignore the ridiculous conspiracy theories, but do keep an eye on world events in the coming days.

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