Celebrating Beltane

Beltane or Beltaine is the anglicised spelling of Old Irish Beltain, and Scottish Gaelic Bealltainn, the Gaelic name for either the month of May or the festival that takes place on May 1st. Some wait until astrological Beltane, at the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. In 2024, this happens to be on May 4th. In Irish Gaelic, the month of May is known as Mí Bhealtaine or Bealtaine, and the festival as Lá Bealtaine. In Gaelic folkore, the village’s cattle were driven between two fires to purify them and bring luck (Eadar dà theine Bhealltainn in Scottish Gaelic, ‘Between two fires of Beltane’). In Scotland, boughs of Juniper were sometimes thrown on the fires to add an additional element of purification and blessing to the smoke. People would also pass between the two fires to purify themselves. In Wiccan traditions, Beltane is the celebration of the courtship of the Goddess and the God. The Earth is beginning to flourish. The trees are growing greener, and life has returned. It is a very sensual holiday, a time of joining together, as the Goddess and God consummate their love for one another. The dance around the Maypole is symbolic of this union. The Maypole (a phallic symbol) is erected with colorful ribbons attached. As each person dances around the Maypole holding the end of a ribbon, the last couple to reach the end is crowned the May Queen and May King. It is a dance that symbolizes the weaving of human life with the life of Nature. The Maypole is also a symbol of vegetation returning to the land as Summer approaches. It is a perfect time for spellwork that involves bringing a project to completion. Beltane is a highly creative and erotic holiday. It is a time to create something new, form new unions, and put away the past. The lighting of bonfires is a traditional practice on Beltane, to ensure the fertility of our households and in our own lives. It was common on Beltane for couples to run off into the woods to do what comes naturally. This is also a time when the veil between the worlds is thin again(the other time is at Samhain), and communication with loved ones who have passed on is possible. The doors to the Faery Realm have opened, and they frolic among us. Beltane is one of the four Celtic festivals. The others are Samhain, Imbolc and Lughnasadh.

The Old Ways are Alive.

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