Dian Cecht, Airmid and Miach: Celtic Family of Healers

There are very few mentions of the herbalist goddess Airmed in Celtic lore. We know from the stories that she is a healer from the Tuatha de Danann, one of the groups of Gods and Goddesses of Pagan Ireland. She comes from a family of healers. Together with her father Dian Cecht (a god of medicine) and her brother Miach ( a god of surgery), she tended a sacred spring that brought the dead back to life. A 15th century Celtic manuscript (Dindsenchas) tell us:

The slain and mortally wounded were cast into a healing well over which Dian Cecht, his son Miach and his daughter Airmed sang incantations, and all were restored to full vigor.”

Dian Cécht was the healer for the Tuatha De Danann. He made King Nuada a silver arm which could move and function as a normal arm. Later, Dian Cecht’s son, Miach, replaced the silver arm with an arm of flesh and blood, and Dian Cecht killed him out of envy. Miach’s sister, Airmed, mourned over her brother’s grave. As her tears fell, all the healing herbs of the world grew from the grave. Airmed arranged and catalogued them, but then Dian Cécht again reacted with anger and jealousy and scattered the herbs, destroying his daughter’s work as well as his son’s. For this reason, it is said that no human knows the healing properties of all the herbs. Airmid still remembers the powers of the herbs, and can teach us their secrets.

Through her, we may learn to use and appreciate the sacred power of plants. Her medicinal herbs were powerful, offering cures for every part of the body. Airmid’s herbs continue to have power, whether in seed and root, bud and stem, or flower and leaf. Fresh or dried, the herbs still have effect. She works through nature’s cycles, and through the energy that connects the body’s joints and sinews. Through our work in ritual with Airmid, we can learn to harness the healing powers of herbs and plants, to bring healing to ourselves and those around us.

Looking Deeper with Dian Cecht and Airmid


  • What is your current relationship with the plant world? Do you have a garden? What are your favorite plants? Prepare a space where you can begin planting the herbs and plants that we work with in Old Ways Witchery. Some of them, such as Blackthorn and Mandrake, may need to be obtained online. Call upon Airmid for guidance with planting and tending.
  • Begin a study of the medicinal qualities of various herbs and plants. Include in your studies the uses of herbal teas and flower essences.
  • Airmid is a compassionate healer. She encourages us to bring healing to others from a place of compassion and knowledge, rather than boastfulness or pride.


  • Lore surrounding Dian Cecht tells us that his symbol are two crossed branches of oak and mistletoe. These are items that can be used to evoke his presence.
  • His actions remind us not to compare our gifts with those of others. Let us put aside envy and jealousy, and seek to learn from those who have excelled in their craft.
  • Seek his strength after times of trial and struggle. He is a healer of those in battle.

Another interesting thing often mentioned in the old Celtic legends is the working of magic through singing. Various tales have mentioned how healing, joy and rest were bestowed upon others through song or the playing of an instrument. This type of singing seems to be intuitive and inspired, rather than a specific song with words. In the story of Dian Cecht, Airmid and Miach, we see how they incorporated the singing of incantations. It is a powerful thing to experience, intuitively singing while doing healing work. It doesn’t have to be lyrical, just sing as you feel guided, and sense the healing energies flowing from you to the recipient. If you have written a healing chant, practice setting it to music and singing it aloud when doing healing work for others. This is another magical skill that cannot be learned from a book or a physical teacher, one that must be developed and brought out from within, with the help of our spiritual guides and gods.

The Old Ways Are Alive,


The Magic Below

In our previous post, we looked to the skies and discovered the magic of the planets and celestial bodies. Now we turn our eyes downward and look to the ground beneath our feet. There is powerful magic to be found there in the plants and stones that Nature gives to us. As you study and work with various plants and stones, you will become aware of strong connections with specific ones. These will call to you, inviting you to forge a deeper relationship with them, to partake of their magical wisdom and spiritual lessons. They will become guides and companions on your magical path. Every plant and stone has it’s own unique personality, it’s own special wisdom to share with the world. There are several that I use on a regular basis, and I will share my experiences with them. As you begin to study their magic, it is important to know that it is not enough just to place them on a shelf. Their powers must be gently awakened and brought forth.

Flowers, Herbs and Plants

In order to discover the wisdom of the plant world, you must interact with them personally and allow them to become teachers. Hold them in your hands, communicate with them in meditation, plant them in your garden or in containers. Work with them often, and they will show you how to awaken and work with their energies. We have learned much about the magical uses of plants from wonderful authors such as Ellen Dugan and Scott Cunningham. Much of this wisdom has been passed down to us over the centuries. While it is important to study all you can about how plants can be used for healing, protection or prosperity, you must remember that there is only so much you can learn from a book. If you wish to have the spiritual guidance of the plant world in your life, you must interact with them personally. The benefits you can gain from this interaction are difficult to articulate in words. They must be experienced to be understood. Old Ways wisdom tells us that every flower, plant and herb contains a living spirit that desires to communicate and interact with us. Use extreme caution when working with the more toxic plants such as Foxglove, Mandrake, Belladonna, Hellebore and Henbane. These are highly poisonous and should be used with great care. Their magic is powerful but deadly.

Learn to use not only the petals and stems, but also the roots. Different sections of the plant are used for specific purposes. The roots, which grow beneath the earth and are not visible, are used for magic that involves the ‘shadow self’, or those aspects of your life that you keep hidden. Roots are also used for banishing and binding spells or for grounding magic. The stem of a plant can be used for magic that encourages success and growth of a new project, prosperity, money magic or any spell to assist one’s career or some sort of material gain. The fresh petals and leaves of a flower or plant are especially powerful, and are used to manifest goals and desires into the physical plane. Dried flowers and herbs do work in magic, but fresh ones are more powerful and will work better. There are times when you simply cannot locate freshly grown Meadowsweet, so you must either grow the plant yourself or find a dried variety. Some plants are not available locally, so you may choose to order them online and grow them from seed. Other things usually included in herbal books, are technically resins, not herbs. Dragon’s Blood, Sandalwood, Amber, Frankincense & Myrrh all come from tree sap that has hardened and become solid. It is then burned to release their strong aromas, and they are magically potent.

Practice working with several plants and resins, and blend different varieties together for a more potent result. Below are some of the more popular ones.

  • Dragon’s Blood: This is technically a resin with masculine energy, associated with the planet Mars and the element of Fire. It removes harmful energy and increases the potency of any incense it is added to. It is used for protection, empowerment and consecration. Dragon’s Blood is available as a solid resin, powdered incense or essential oil.
  • Cinquefoil: Also known as Five-Finger Grass, Cinquefoil is a member of the oregano family. It is another masculine herb, linked to the planet Jupiter and the element of Fire. The five leaves represent love, money, health, power and wisdom. Part of the magic of Cinquefoil “Five-Finger Grass” is it’s ability to draw things to you like five grasping “fingers”.
  • Mugwort: One of the traditional herbs of Witchcraft, Mugwort has feminine energy. It is associated with the planet Venus and the element of Earth. Mugwort helps to increase divination skills, and an infusion of Mugwort and Pennyroyal is used to clean crystal balls, scrying mirrors and other divination tools. Burn Mugwort to assist with astral projection. Folklore tells us that sleeping with Mugwort in your pillow will encourage psychic dreams.
  • Lavender: This is a masculine plant, associated with the planet Mercury and the element of Air. It has a calming and soothing scent, and is often used in spells to bring peace and healing. Lavender has many healing properties and is used widely in holistic centers and hospitals. It can be used directly on the skin to prevent scarring, soothe minor scrapes and burns, and to bring a general sense of peace of well-being.
  • Sage: Another masculine herb, Sage is associated with the planet Jupiter and the element of Air. The energy of Sage encourages healing, meditation, and divination. Sage is used in Witchcraft circles to cleanse the ritual area and all participants. It is used in house-cleansings to rid a home of harmful energy. It purifies sacred space and can be used in situations that call for wisdom or decision-making. Burn Sage during tarot readings or runecasts. Sage is often blended with other scents such as Cedar, Sweetgrass or Dragon’s Blood. Burn with Patchouli or Oak Moss for success and prosperity.
  • Yarrow: Yarrow is a feminine plant associated with the planet Venus and the element of Water. The energy of Yarrow helps to increase psychic ability, helps one to embrace change, remove fear and instill courage. It is an herb of boundaries, and helps to strengthen your psychic shield of protection.
  • Red Sandalwood: . This has a strong, exotic scent and is used to bring protection, strength and power. It is sometimes used to induce lust and passion in love spells. Red Sandalwood is feminine, associated with the planet Venus and the element of Water.
  • Spearmint: The scent of spearmint can be released by rubbing the leaves between the fingers. It tends to take over a garden, so when planted it must be watched closely. Spearmint is a feminine plant, linked to the planet Venus and the element of Water. It is used for healing, creativity and helps to awaken the mental faculties. It increases the awareness of magic in one’s environment.
  • Myrrh: Myrrh can be pricey, but it is quite powerful and long-lasting. When combined with Frankincense, it brings a perfect balance of masculine/feminine and solar/lunar energies. Wherever Myrrh is burned, it purifies the area and lifts the vibration to a peaceful, spiritual level. It’s smoke is used to consecrate ritual objects and magical tools such as wands, athames, amulets and talismans. It helps to induce a meditative state of mind, and it’s energy brings protection. Myrrh is a resin with feminine energy, associated with the Moon and the element of Water.
  • Oak Moss: Growing on oak trees, it is a masculine substance linked to the element of Earth. It can be used in Celtic-influenced spells or rituals to connect with Celtic male deities such as Cernunnos. Oak Moss can be purchased as an essential oil or in it’s natural form. As a dried herb, it is sold in clumps that must be gently pulled apart depending on how much you want to use.

Using the Plants in Witchcraft

To awaken the powers of the plant, place your hands around the fresh plant (without touching it) or hold the dried herb in both hands. Close your eyes, and take several deep breaths until you reach a meditative state. Visualize white light coming down from the sky into your Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Allow this light to permeate your body, and picture it going through your arms, out of your hands and into the plant itself. Allow the plant to be completely infused with light. Speak to the plant and say, “I approach you, (name of plant), with sincerity and honesty, and ask you to lend your energies to my magic, to be a teacher and guide”, then thank the plant and leave it a gift. This gift can be in the form of water around the plant (not too much!), a few quartz crystals, fertilizer or anything else associated with that specific plant. For plants linked to Venus, leave a copper coin. For Moon plants, leave a silver one. Here are some of the ways to use the plants in your magic:

  • Charge them with an intention. “I charge you, Lavender, to release your healing properties, bring peace, etc…”.
  • Burn them as incense in a fireproof container, such as a cast-iron cauldron with sand. If using fresh herbs and plants, use a mortar and pestle to grind them smaller if necessary.
  • Make a sachet with the herbs, and add a few drops of essential oil, crystals and a written spell. Carry the sachet with you.
  • Place them in a muslin bag, hang it under a faucet, and take a ritual bath.
  • Make a talisman or amulet with polymer clay and fold the herbs inside it.

When harvesting herbs for magic, take notice of the phases of the Moon. Gather herbs intended to bring something into your life when the Moon is Waxing to Full. Gather herbs to remove something from your life when the Moon is Waning to New.

Crystals and Stones

There are thousands of crystals that can be used for magic. In the same way that plants have their own special properties, crystals and stones also carry unique energies that can aid in healing, meditation, protection and many other areas of life. Over time you will discover specific crystals that you feel a connection to. The more you work with them, their energies will begin to mingle with your own personal aura, and they will become like friends. You will develop a sense of kinship with certain crystals, and these can be a source of power in your rituals. As with plants and flowers, it is not enough just to carry them in your pocket or scatter them around your home. They must be activated through meditation and intention. The energy from crystals is slightly different from that of plants, but their benefits are very similar. When used magically, crystals and stones are also associated with planets, elements and colors.

To awaken the powers of a crystal, hold it in both hands. Close your eyes, and take several deep breaths until you reach a meditative state. Visualize white light coming down from the sky into your Crown Chakra which is located above your head. Allow this light to fill your body completely, flowing through your arms, out of your hands and into the crystal. Allow the crystal to be completely infused with light. Next, you must charge the crystal with an intention. For example, with a Lapis crystal you would say out loud, “I charge you, Lapis Lazuli, to lend your energy and release your powers of healing”. Each crystal and stone contains within it inherent powers that must be gently awakened if we are to benefit from them. Crystals and plants alike should be approached with reverence and respect. They are gifts to us from the divine, and only when we make a connection to our own divinity will these treasures from nature share their magic with us. When you first receive your crystals, they must be properly cleansed. You can wash them with natural spring water or filtered water. Light or fiery colored crystals can be charged with solar energy by leaving them out in the sunlight for no more than 3 hours. Dark or reflective crystals can be charged with Lunar energy by leaving them outside in the light of a Waxing or Full Moon for no less than 3 hours. Store your crystals in a cloth bag when you are not using them.

Below are the properties of various stones and crystals:

  • Lapis Lazuli: One of the most powerful healing stones in existence, Lapis has been used for centuries for it’s healing and calming energies. It is a dark blue color, with thin veins of gold pyrite running through it. It was used widely by the ancient Egyptians, in jewelry and other various items. The Ankh, an Egyptian symbol of life, and a representation of the union of Isis and Osiris, was made with Lapis Lazuli. Amulets in the shape of the Eye of Horus or the Scarab also contained Lapis. It was called “the stone from the stars” by the Egyptians due to it’s celestial appearance. The Lapis Lazuli stone is a pain reducer and can be used in all healing work. It can be placed on the Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, or on any part of the body that needs healing. It’s very useful in Reiki treatments, and in meditation and pathworking. If you carry a polished stone in your pocket, just twirl it in your fingers to absorb it’s calming qualities. Carry it with you to help relieve anxiety or stress.
  • Hypersthene: The mirror-like surface of hypersthene appears to swirl with the clouds of an approaching storm. In the same way the patterns in this dark stone cannot be seen until it is placed under a light source, the Hypersthene is a revealer. That is, it can help to reveal not only hidden personal issues but solutions on how to deal with them. Although it is Dark in nature, it’s properties are activated by Light. For this stone to work, we must be focused on the solution rather than on the problem. These solutions come to us intuitively. Indeed, many refer to Hypersthene as the solution stone. Hypersthene can also be used to represent the balance of Dark and Light. Another aspect of Hypersthene is it’s ability to reveal information from the astral realms, increasing our sensitivity to the hidden worlds around us. Holding the crystal in the palm of your hand, or placing it against your Third Eye Chakra while in a meditative state can help you tune in to the powers of Hypersthene.
  • Moonstone: One of the most magical stones, Moonstone is a white, blue or opalescent feldspar with strong magical connections to the Moon and Lunar goddesses. It is a feminine stone, with receptive energy, and is linked to the element of Water. One of it’s more powerful qualities is it’s use in Divination. The energy of Moonstone aids divination practices, such as tarot, runes or crystal gazing. It helps to keep good energy flowing during magical rituals, working well for those who plan their lives by the phases of the Moon. This crystal helps us access the unseen realms, and makes it easier to receive psychic information. It is an excellent crystal for meditation and creative visualization. On a deeper level, this crystal also helps us to focus within and examine our motives and emotions. Use Moonstone during a Waning or Dark Moon when doing meditations to explore the Shadow Self, and anything about yourself that you keep hidden from others. Since Moonstone is strongly linked to emotions and the Sacral Chakra, it’s energies can be utilized to help gently stabilize any strong emotions and allow peace and calm to take their place. Moonstone is linked to the astrological sign of Cancer, and the concept of the Mother. It is nurturing, healing and protective.
  • Selenite: Selenite, named after the Moon Goddess Selene, is a clear, transparent crystal that forms naturally in long blade-like shapes. It is quite delicate, and is often formed into wands or spheres. It is so delicate that it can be scratched by a fingernail. Amazingly, it always feels cool to the touch and has a luminescent, lunar quality. It is feminine and receptive, and is associated with the Moon and the element of Water. Due to it’s delicate nature, it should be used only for certain kinds of healing magic and meditation rather than for everyday use. Selenite is used to cleanse the aura of any unwanted energies and severs harmful connections to the Chakras. Selenite also absorbs stress and negativity. Just holding a piece of Selenite in your hands helps to drain negativity from your body and auric field. If you have a bad experience that keeps replaying in your mind and you want to end this negative cycle, visualize this memory and emotion going into the Selenite crystal and then reflecting out into the Universe to be transformed and neutralized. And then make the choice not to allow that thought-pattern any more rulership over your mind. If there is a specific place on your body where you feel a bit “off”, place the Selenite crystal on that spot and allow it to absorb all the “yuckiness” off of you. Selenite is receptive: it absorbs negativity and harmful energy, dissolving it.
  • Rose Quartz: This is a calming, soothing stone that helps to neutralize harmful energy. Placing a large piece of rough, unpolished Rose Quartz in a room can help restore peace and balance. Light a while votive candle and place it next to the crystal. Rose Quartz is used in spells to restore friendships, encourage romance and resolve disagreements.
  • Amethyst: A very spiritual stone, useful in meditation, pathworking and astral projection. It is also a stone that encourages rest and relaxation.
  • Tree Agate: This stone is strongly connected to ancestors and family. Use Tree Agate during rituals to contact loved ones who have passed on. Place Tree Agate on places of the body that need healing. It can be used to assist with shamanic journeys to the Lower/Middle/Upper Worlds or when utilizing deep trance states.
  • Blue Goldstone: This very celestial looking stone is useful for healing and for enhancing psychic abilities. Use it for any magic that involves stars or the planets. It is also used to help relieve migraine pain and to assist recovery from surgery.
  • Snowflake Obsidian: This is a stone of balance that helps to integrate the Dark and Light aspects of ourselves. It is the crystal equivalent of the Chinese Yin/Yang symbol which represents the unity of opposites that allow the universe to function. The energy of this stone calls us to acknowledge our own dark nature, the things about ourselves that we keep hidden. Snowflake Obsidian teaches us to embrace our dark side, and to integrate it into our lives in a healthy, balanced way. Chant: “By light of the day and dark of the night, my life is a balance of darkness and light”.
  • Green Aventurine: The energy from this stone brings good fortune, prosperity and success. Use this stone whenever doing magic that involves money, career or finances. Place them around a green candle, and burn Oak Moss/Patchouli incense. This is a stone that encourages success and growth on all levels.

Using Crystals in Witchcraft

  • Carry them with you, in your pocket or next to your skin.
  • Wear them as jewelry.
  • Place them around your home or workplace.
  • Place smaller crystals inside talismans and amulets.
  • Hold them in your hands during meditation.
  • Lie down and place them on your chakra points.
  • Place them on areas that need healing.

Our companions in nature, plants and stones desire to communicate and interact with us. As witches, we have all the tools we need to allow that communication to happen. Follow your intuition, open your heart and mind, and listen to what they have to say. Allow them to teach and guide you along the path of witchcraft, in both a practical and mystical way. The magic that lives beneath your feet is waiting to be called forth.